um i'm gonna kick peoples' asses. i'm at vi's. she's obviously cooler than you are. oh yeah it's her fucking birthday, mang. happy birthday lovely.
p.s. genny: w.t.f. i'm so pissed about this whole birthday thing that i'm even putting it in MY livejournal. have a god damn party so i can fucking see you.
my wonderful friend ali has just made me realize how little you can make of your life with no job and no license.
so my mom's making me get a job within the next two weeks. it shouldn't be a horrible thing, i mean i guess its not, but it kind of marks the last weeks of feeling like an irresponsible, wild, free little kid. i'm gonna miss these days
hey loverfucks. how about when you say you want to make plans with me, you actually do. yeah i think that's how its supposed to work. i haven't seen you fuckers in eternities. i love you all so much. <3333