sounds over dramatic..but that's about how i feel right now. i broke up with jacob..and it was one of the more difficult things i've had to do..but i knew i had to do it. i feel like shit. i can't sleep..i probably won't sleep. there is a show tomorrow..and hopefully an after party. i need to get my mind off of the whole situation. i know that i
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marzhukov: sorry, lost connection MyHrtLst1318: suuuuureeee marzhukov: okay, u caught me, i don't know what i could have done in that 30 sexs, but sure marzhukov: secs* marzhukov: fuck, i always do that MyHrtLst1318: haha sexs,, MyHrtLst1318: hehe marzhukov: perv
i bought the new taking back sunday cd yesterday. it's fabulous. i also bought fight club on dvd. it's the first dvd i've ever voluntarily bought. it's such a good movie. and it was only $10
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okay, i went to the doctor and she hooked me up with some antidepressants..and they make me ridiculously hyper. like, i still feel depressed because they haven't really had time to work..but i'm just real hyper
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so it seems to me that i'm the only person in the state not going to warped jr..i'm poor..and my doctor's appointment is right in the middle. and i have to save my money for various other trips and concerts that will be 49027590827 times better. FOR INSTANCE
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