Mon, 13:24: RT @ kurteichenwald: Cost of my life-sustaining meds: $55,000 a year. Yrs I'll live, post-Ocare, if wife & I lose jobs unless kids leave col…
Sun, 20:33: I despise Trump, but if Trumpcare provides healthcare for all Americans at prices they can afford I will support it.
Fri, 12:28: A message to my doomed colleagues in the American media - A Message to the US from a Russian journalist.
Fri, 20:48: RT @ Evan_McMullin: According to BBC, a U.S. counter-intelligence taskforce was established in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding…
Thu, 12:01: It is January in Ohio and I currently have short sleeves on and the windows open. #climatechange
Thu, 12:16: RT @ BobNBC4: IT'S A RECORD DAY! Temperature at John Glenn International hit 67 tying the record set in 1916! Can we beat it before temps st…
Wed, 12:08: Putin poisons defectors, bombs schools and children's hospitals, and shoots down civilian airliners. How is he not…
Tue, 15:20: RT @ cath_cov: "Jesus despised the shame for me, and God forbid but I should despise the shame for him" William Laud, martyred on this day i…
Mon, 05:36: RT @ rachelheldevans: Also? The people complaining about a Hollywood star "lecturing them" on politics ELECTED A REALITY TV STAR AS PRESIDEN…
Sat, 14:02: RT @ WhiteHouse: "We’ve turned an economy that was shrinking and losing jobs into one that’s growing and creating jobs" -@ POTUS: https://t.c…