sometimes I want to post every conversation I have with my father on here...but that would be too much. Anyways, I will write down the latest convo we had which took place about thirty seconds ago
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I shall miss you somebunny. You were an innocent victim in saturday night's drunkenness and we finally had to part. You were great, and I am sad that we only had a year together.
I got crazy news this morning. about somebody I really look up to and care about. crazy. But I'm happy about it.
I just finished an interview for the Hatchet about being gay at GW. I'm not sure if it was a good or bad thing, but what is done is done. I don't think I said anything stupid, so I just hope that the article doesn't make me sound stupid. Too many people read that damn newspaper.
i love art history...i just wish the tests weren't so hard. so now i always take classes that i actually really like, but i don't get very good grades. that shouldn't matter...but it does. oh well