Jun 01, 2006 09:28
so i was looking at pictures from our senior power point and i saw a picture of me and i was like " I look really white and FAT" and marshall was sitting there and i was like " Do i really look like that" And marshall said...
"NO, youre not that white"
... i would be mad and bulimic if it wasnt so dang funny.
May 30, 2006 10:03
so for like the 4th day in a row its 100 million degrees out and my hippie teacher doesnt believe in air conditioning because it hurts the environment. So we all have to suffer.
But i like it.
Its better than being cold haha.
PLUS: only 2 more days until no more hippie teachers... Well, in highschool anyway.
May 25, 2006 13:24
Nate has 20000 shillings and hair gel in his pocket.
We ( + Alesha) jumped in the mystery machine to see Linda (AKA JANIS JOPLIN) on an indian reservation and went on a quest to find Jim Morrison... only to find out he was dead.
May 18, 2006 09:15
i just realized the AFI concert is the day before honors orientation.
Thats about right.
May 17, 2006 18:45
So this morning i did my "what do I have to look forward to today?" And it was pretty much nothing, so i was like AH today is gonna suck. And it didnt. I got the letter from Ferris that said i def def def got into the honors program. Like YAY! That means i absolutely dont have to have a roommate. Hurray.
May 16, 2006 16:24
today was so good.
I got out of 3 classes due to the blood drive
I gave a pint of blood in 4 minutes ( AMAZING )
I played with a puppy
I got to hang out with Nate L. and he told me that Im so cool that the dictionary needs a new term for how cool i am.
And now im listening to "crazy bitch" and even though the words are rather vulgar, i like it.