oxter \OK-ster\ noun 1. Scot. and North England. the armpit.
Origin Oxter came to English in the 1400s and is akin to the Old English ōcusta meaning "armpit," and the Old Norse hōstr meaning "throat."I wonder if there's a word for "elbow pit"... it would be useful to know since I talk about elbow pits enough in my classes. LOVE
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shivaree \shiv-uh-REE\ noun 1. a mock serenade with kettles, pans, horns, and other noisemakers given for a newly married couple; charivari. 2. Informal. an elaborate, noisy celebration.
boondoggle \BOON-dog-uhl, -daw-guhl\ verb 1. to do work of little or no practical value merely to keep or look busy. 2. to deceive or attempt to deceive: to boondoggle investors into a low-interest scheme.