It seems my "waking up at 5am" issue only applies to weekdays. I guess this is a good thing? Apparently my body has set its own internal clock. Too bad it seems to have set it to when I used to get up for my 6am shifts at McDonald's. But that was like, 3 years ago. x_X
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lol, I've noticed I have a tendency to write huge, long, somewhat ranty posts, get distracted by something, and then come back and think, "Eh, maybe I'm not as irritated as I thought I was." and then just not post it
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For the past several weeks, I keep waking up at 5-6am for no reason. This is like, 2 hours before I actually need to be up (and my alarm) and it's getting really annoying. I'm not going to bed any earlier so that doesn't explain waking up earlier and even if I did to make up for lost hours, I'd probably end up lying awake. I don't get sleepy until
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I like my job for the most part, but it's definitely not what I want for my career. I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable enough in my knowledge about corporate business/law matters
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