May 01, 2004 00:25
well Freds party kicked ASS! had lotsa fun. came home and im sittin here bored.
- Hoe
Apr 17, 2004 13:47
saturday im sitting here after a long day of cutting grass and digging a huge hole for my moms pond. well hopefully ill get to do something tonight.
Apr 11, 2004 08:30
Todays Easter, im going to church then to my Aunts. :D lotsa fun.
This break has been good so far. ive played quiet alot of FFXI and i got my new glasses so im happy. :)
- unamed
Apr 09, 2004 13:01
Well, FFXI rox, i got CS 1.6 bots so i can prac. Games are the only thing good in life right now. Everything else kinda sux
Apr 07, 2004 15:16
Well, Lately nothings been happening. ive been playin tons of FFXI and our Hockey team won the Championchip. 2nd in two years :D. anywayz school sux and its almost over! YAY!
Apr 04, 2004 03:20
my life is boring and it sucks...
thats all.
Mar 31, 2004 18:12
Well, today was pretty gay. did nothing much. Im so fuckin bored. why cant there be any excitement.
Mar 30, 2004 20:21
well, nothin is happening in my life. i hate it. ive given up on girls, cause they are to confusing. :*(