Mar 09, 2008 22:25
The time, when your eyes
Did not mirror the coldness
Of my heart, is gone.
Time, pitiless foe,
Over youth, beauty and life,
In the end, will win.
Triumph of true love,
Fairy tale fate of lovers
Has been found fiction.
Mutual feelings,
While your heart was still hoping,
Have stopped short with mine.
Feb 18, 2008 01:12
Abé, vue que dass ech émmer na keng Ahnung hun, wéi de Spaass hei wierkléch funktionéiert, a woufir en dann elo gudd ass, ass dat hei net wierkléch eng immens produktiv Saach...
Feb 03, 2008 19:07
Ech hu keng Ahnung wéi dat hei funktionéiert...
Also duecht ech, ech géif einfa mol sou maache, wéi wann ech wéisst em wat et hei geet.