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Everywhere! The Basics
Name: Kyla (or Kaira, on the internets. For a few select few who knew me years and years ago, I'm Hope.)
Age: 18
Describe the meaning or significance in your username: XDD Well, first it was darkkairachan, and it was supposed to be a fanfiction account, so I named it after my 'muse'. I was in the YGO fandom at the time, so I had a "Yami Kaira-chan". I had the foresight not to name my account
yamikairachan when I found out that
kairachan was taken. In the past couple of months though, I realized that my LJ name sounded like some sort of fourteen-year-old fangirl (which... I kind of was when I made the account), so I bought a rename token and went to find a name.
I finally decided on
nocebo_response because... well, I really like the word 'nocebo'. A nocebo is like a placebo, both are 'drugs' that actually hold no chemical properties, but are given to patients so that the patients will think that they do, and their psychological...nessness of themselves will make the nocebo/placebo have an effect. A placebo is given to patients and makes them better from whatever is ailing them (If you've read Paradise Kiss, Miwako's candy was a placebo), where as a nocebo has negative effects. Though the effects are psychological, the dangers of a "nocebo response" are very real.
If that's all very confusing,
Wikipedia has an article on it which I should've linked in the first place. As to why I chose to have my name Nocebo Response... I'm not really sure. It was just interesting.
Favorite color: I... really don't have one. It was pink when I was younger, then became black while I did the teenage angst thing, and then it was green for a while. Now, I'm not sure if I really have one.
Do you give orders or simple follow what's given to you? I'm a follower. I'm always afraid I'm going to fuck up big time when I give orders, and I don't really want to have to take on the responsibility if something goes wrong.
Is the glass half full or half empty? XDDD Depends, really. It was half empty for a long, long time. In my last year and a half of high school, I became much more optimistic and am much more cheerful, but I can't really bring myself to call it half full yet. XDD; Maybe I just want to fit in or something. =P
Your favourite drink is? I... don't have one of those either. XDD I'll go with Chocolate Milk though because my coworkers always make fun of the fact that they've never seen me drinking anything else.
Smoking. Yes or no? Fence-sitter! When I was younger, I was very opposed. Now, I still think it's wrong, but I smoke myself occasionally, so that makes me rather hypocritical.
Scraping the Surface
What are your interests? Dramatheatre, politics, my friends, RPGing, writing, reading, girls. =P
What are your pet peeves? Far too many to name, or even think of right now. XD; Actually, all that's coming to mind is my one new coworker who doesn't pull his weight, is lazy, and when he does do work, he can't do any of it right, yet he still tries to come off as better than the rest of us. Know-it-alls.
What are your hobbies? Special talents? My hobbies are RPing. XDD;; I don't really have any special talents. XDD;; I have endless energy so I can keep going and going, and I listen well (or I like to think I do), and I can be cheerful no matter what happens, more or less, and I like to think that I can cheer people up if they're feeling down.
Your strengths lie in… and why? XD I don't have any. Uhm..... I... really can't think of any. XD Srsly.
Your weaknesses are… and why? I fall in love way too easily (the first thing that got me attached to Hachi, actually, was how easily we develop these severe crushes), I can annoy people, I can't apply myself to actually study for my final which is tomorrow when I have 300 pages of text still to read and I'm obviously just doing this to procrastinate, spelling (though, I have the common sense to spell-check. Another pet peeve, right there), I go from having too strong of a work ethic ("Hay! I can work straight for thirteen hours every day this week, gimme overtime!") to having way too weak of one ("I don't wanna work. =( Can I take the next two weeks off?"), I'm beginning to realize I don't have a strong resolution on things that matter and way too strong of one on things that don't really.
Digging a little Deeper
Who do you admire (whether it be fictitious or real life) and why? I admired my best friend when I was younger. She was outgoing, friendly, likeable, kind, and just Out There. She always said she admired me because I was smart (only I'm not. XD), but I don't really believe her. The thing is now, she's turned to drugs and I'm more outgoing and likeable now, so I'm not sure why I still admire her as much as I do, other than the fact that she was my first love.
Audrey Hepburn, because she was so gorgeous, seemingly had it all, and was so loving and kind and sweet. I never met her in real life, but any celebrity that can live out the last of her days in Africa trying to help those children instead of taking the cop out of forking out money (which I also believe is good of them to do, but not really enough and a lot of them do it just for the PR) has to be a wonderful, wonderful woman. ...Er, and she's absolutely gorgeous.
What do you look for in a friend and why? ...I really have no idea. I have all sorts of friends, and hardly any of them are like each other.
If you were in a rock band, which position would you play and why? Guitar! XD; I've wanted to play the guitar since I was about four, but my mother always said it was 'just a phase'. XD;; When I was younger, me and my friend (the one in the question above) started a 'band' where her and I were both on vocals (and her dad played all the instruments), and I always thought it sounded good, but I realize now that I have no musical talent what-so-ever. Maybe I could sing back when I was a kid. XD; Who knows.
How would your ideal room/apartment look like and why? Snazzy! XDD I really, really
like mine, which my uncle did up when he lived here (I moved in after he moved out), though I could do with some more furniture like the couch. XD;
If you were a piece of jewelry what would you be and why? Necklace. Because I can't stand other kinds of jewlery. XD;; Maybe an earring, because they don't get in the way either.
From the Manga
Who is your favorite character and why? Hachi. XD; At the risk of sounding like I'm trying to sway this survey in hopes of getting her, she just reminded me a lot like myself. Watching her is like watching all of my flaws staring me in the face.
...=X And I had a friend who had my name who looked a lot like Nana O.
Who is your least favorite character and why? D= I don't really have one. I want to say Shouji, because his cheating on Nana had me depressed for a good two weeks, but I did (do?) like him.
Your favorite pairing? And why? Nana/Hachi. Because femslash is awesome. XDD;; And because it's a lot like some friendships that I've had. And... It's just awesome, okay? XD;
Your favorite relationship? And why? Nana/Hachi's, again. It's just so heart wrenching, and it's always their notes to one another at the beginning/endings of he chapters/episodes that make me bawl.
Et Cetera
Where did you hear about us from?
blackstones userinfo, looking for a Nana/Nana community. XD;
Anything else you'd like to add? Not really!