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iceshade Welcome to Lisafest 2012! We're here to celebrate our favourite Cyberwoman! This one-day fest is dual-hosted on Livejournal and Dreamwidth. For the DW post, please see
eldarwannabe's journal
We have an AO3
collection for fanworks posted for the fest.
In the comments, please feel free to post or link to all your favourite Lisa-based fics, picspams, fanvids, icon sets, four-panel comics, meta, and more! We have a thread for prompting commentfics, or start your own thread for recs. Post links to your favourite examples of Caroline Chikezie's
other work outside the Cyberbikini. Rec yourself! Rec your friends! (And play nice!) We're here all day.
There's snacks and drinks in the lounge, coffee (obviously, both iced and piping hot), and a big pile of pillows. Come sit and enjoy the party.
ETA: And .... We're done! Thanks for dropping by, thanks for playing, be sure to collect your own car keys and take your plates home. If you got here late, there's always more time for Lisa love. There are prompts that could use filling, and stories that haven't been told, and if you post them in the comments to this, I will add them to the round up list.
Commentfic Prompts Recs:
Rec Thread One Rec Thread Two Vids:
Fembot by
51stcenturyfox Fics:
Untitled Jack/Ianto/Lisa fic by
eldarwannabe One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night by
nancybrown Binary by
eldarwannabe Untitled Ianto/Lisa Meet Cute by
star54kar Noodley Appendage by
nancybrown Pics:
Lisa Picspam Icons by