Haven't posted one of these in a while - in fact, I haven't been posting much of anything lately except for fic, which is... interesting... but it's time for a
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TITLE: “Dinner at Katz’s” AUTHOR: nanoochka RATING: NC-17 PAIRING: Dean/Castiel SPOILERS: General season 5. WARNINGS: Don’t even. WORDCOUNT: 2,745 SUMMARY: Dean might have to teach Cas how to have a When Harry Met Sally-esque orgasm, but he certainly doesn't have to fake it. ( More insanity after the cut! )
Just a quick note to confirm that I am indeed still working on When Play Turns Bitter. No real excuse for the hiatus this time except that I've been trying to concentrate on
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Haven't done one of these in a while, partly due to being busy, but also because I haven't done much work on this. *cowers* I just finished a new chapter, however, and have finally adjusted my draft mindset from "make it perfect" to "get it done". Fingers crossed!
I felt like doing a music mix tonight, just for fun.
I have no idea how many people on my flist listen to/enjoy ass-shaking music that ranges from dance rock to hip hop to electronica, but I'm uploading it anyway because....