hey. miss you. tired. no time for lj. or anything. emotional. frenzy. blah. incoherent. added you. stuff. billy corgan's poetry book is great. husband calling his band nano. weird. seeing lots of bands backstage VIP. free bar. fun stuff. will be in LA january. need to go to NY soon to visit lots of people. been married for a year nov 25 - going to paris. pain. pain. pain. random. need to talk to you. hope all ok. keeping it street level. or something. lisa x
hey. miss you too. also tired. lj blows off steam. non emotional as usual. bob dylans book is great. boyfriend named fish research. seeing camper van beethoven tonight. also enjoying free shows via boy's connections. will be in l.a. for three days for xmass. went to ny recently. not married. been with rob over six months and still happy. surprising. pain. pain. pain. agreed. lupus. give me a call or an email. keeping it sea level. mandee o
we may be cute, but we envy YOUR cuteness :P you went to a wedding yesterday, right? send me pictures of elaine in a dress.... not something i get to see too often but i know she is oh so pretty....
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