so these past couple of weeks ive been chilling with by best friend in the whole world..Cill-aaahh.♥ christopher schultz is making me update but thats ok cuz hes really HOT. i went on a cruise on winter break. dayummm sweet.
um. ok, i might start doing this more often againnn:)
well.. nothing has happened lately.. i havent seen a lot of awhile. but whatever. Swimming has been kicking my ass. And school sucks. But whatever, again. And yea so nothing else. Now im waiting for my father to come here and get us. was band camp.. aah. i got there..and Jenni gave me some news. Really pissed me off. and now im in the worst mood ever. And im dreading band all next week. This will definately suck. Every bad feeling someone can have, i ahve right now. It just sucks. and i dont know what to do.