Title: The Day He Comes Back In His Suit, 2013
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sho/Jun
Word count: 13,400
Summary: AU. Sakurai Sho is lost and broken, weary of the past and his hectic Tokyo life. He finds his way back to his hometown to run away from everything. But is he really running away…or discovering a new path?
Part 1 (
Part 2 )
Comments 10
Okay, this is the first time I commented on one of your fic, even if I am painfully aware of your fics. Gomen.
Everything's so raw and beautiful. Just...perfection, really. Thank you so much for sharing this.
For man is hard to have a lost, harder than for woman, and I could feel the pain of Sho-kun through your fic. But life always gives you new chances, and love can be in any place.
I think I already commented when you published it for the first time, but I never can say enough.
And Sho, poor him but brave for making new step for GIS life.
Thanks for sharing... :)
This really is full of feelings. So raw and sweet.
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