I simply cannot express my gratitude to my friends and family who helped make today happen. I couldn't have done it without you, and I wouldn't have *wanted* to do it without you. Thank you for a wonderful, perfect wedding :D
Anyone near-ish the new Hrim Schola site know of crash space available? I want to support the event, but with a repair bill coming tomorrow we can't hotel it.
The dude I emailed about the System Architect mentoring program just sent me a meeting request for Monday morning :D I'm very glad that I'm working this weekend (for the first time), it meant I could accept the request an hour after he sent it to me...on a Sunday. Yay!
21 years ago today cluegirland aquila_dominus were married. Every day their love and commitment to each other is an inspiration to me and I'm honored to be a part of their lives.
In exactly 31 days I'll be at at work at GD, likely still filling out paperwork and all that super fun stuff. *squee* *also slightly nervous* *but still squee!*
Also, my recruiter is still looking for Electrical or Computer Engineers with 2+ years experience. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?