I ship any!Doctor/Rose because I don’t care what face he wears. I don't care if he’s Nine, Ten, TenToo or Eleven. They’re the same person, they have the same feelings, thoughts and same memories. Saying this, I have to talk about my issues with Eleven and Rose fanfiction.
Rant about Doctor/Rose )
Comments 6
Still, DW is AWESOME! And A+ for Zooey icon =D
Nice icon btw! :)
Thanks, but yours is AWESOME ♥
And thanks, can't take much credit for it though since I merely snagged it off a flister's userpics myself! ;) Basically my favorite thing about 11 in a nutshell. ALSO BILL NIGHY! :D
Here the actual story about the Doctor imprint on Rose ! Billie explained it XD
\o/ I love Eleven and his style! He's sooooooooo awesome ♥
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