"President Obama told the Rolling Stone magazine that he listens to Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan and Rolling Stones on his iPod. Unfortunately, the question was: "How are you going to fix American economy?" (Jimmy Fallon)
A man was jailed for chewing gum and blowing bubbles in court despite a request to stop from the judge. The good news is that he can blow bubbles all day long now for one month. The bad news is that Bubbles is his cellmate's nickname... (c) Jimmy Fallon
Отчего зависит динамика виртуального разговора? Почему бывает,что - раз!- и понеслось с брызгами и гоготом, а другой раз - плюх - застывает и невыносимо пахнет тухлым? Кто убивает хороший завод? НУДНИКИ!