This is where you post your votes for Rare Pairings - Het. If you want to vote for other pairings, go to
this post to find the correct entry.
Please read the
rules before voting.
The categories you can vote for stories are:
The Piano by Ducky72. Gibbs/Hollis Mann. PG.
Company Man by Rainne. Kate/Ari. NC-17.
Moscow Holiday by Taylorgibbs. Gibbs/Stephanie. G.
Harbinger by astral-angel. Kate/Ari. PG-13.
Fear To Tread by astral-angel. Kate/Ari. PG13.
Playing House by Sundance201. Kate/Ari. PG-13.
Better Endings by satanic_viper. Gibbs/Jenny. PG-13.
Nightfall by mathhhh. Kate/Ari.
Lost? Found! by ducky72. Gibbs/Hollis Mann. PG13.
The Bachelor and The Bobbysoxer by PhilLeeGirl. Tony/Maddie Tyler. PG-13.
Saying Grace by Robin Baby. Gibbs/Hollis Mann. PG.
Conditions by nikkinor. Ziva/McGee. PG.
A Life Dissected by B.Cavis. Kate/Ari. PG-13.
The Red Haired Woman by Cavalier Queen. Gibbs/OC. R.
Trust by Ducky72. Gibbs/Hollis Mann. PG13.
In The Dark by ghostie. Ducky/Abby. NCI7.
Bound by Mathhhh. Kate/Ari. PG.
Unexpected by mathhhh. Kate/Fornell. NC-17.
Pioggia a Firenze by PhilLeeGirl. Tony/Maddie Tyler. PG-13.
Saying Grace by Robin Baby. Gibbs/Hollis Mann. PG.
Fear To Tread by astral-angel. Kate/Ari. PG13.
Playing House by Sundance201. Kate/Ari. PG.
The Bachelor and The Bobbysoxer by PhilLeeGirl. Tony/Maddie Tyler. PG-13.
Jen, Jenny, and The Director by aserene. Gibbs/Jenny. PG-13.
Conditions by nikkinor. Ziva/McGee. PG.
Bad Man by B.Cavis. Kate/Ari. PG-13.
Ghosts Of Lovers Past by muselives. Tony/Jeanne Benoit. PG-13.
Harbinger by astral-angel. Kate/Ari. PG13.
Insomnia by Paper Hat. Gibbs/Shannon. PG-13.
Her Responsibility by Aisling K. Ziva/McGee. R.
Going Undercover by ami_ven. Gibbs/Jenny. PG.
The Bachelor and The Bobbysoxer by PhilLeeGirl. Tony/Maddie Tyler. PG-13.
Reasons nominated stories were not included:
Some pairings that did not have enough nominated stories have been included in rare pairs instead.
Fic not included as it was part of a larger fic that was nominated in the same category.
Please use the following template for voting
I vote for: [ story title ] by [ author ]
Header (copy and paste):
I vote for: [ story title ] by [ author ]
The short version of the rules for voting:
1. You may vote only once in each category so consider your vote carefully.
2. You are not required to vote in every category.
3. Anonymous votes are not accepted. You have to have an LJ account to vote and be logged in.
4. Make one comment with all your votes for the pairing in question.
5. You cannot change your vote after casting it; this to save the mods serious headaches.
If you want to read the full rules, go