Join me in my quest to replace Chad Michael Murray, in all forms, with my cat: Maggie Lynn Dynamo. I don't need to justify this quest. But maybe you can.
I think, I may be having one of those crisis things of something or other. I keep thinking about manifest destiny and michael mcdonald and kayne west. And that wang chung video for dance hall days. This can't be natural. Or healthy.
My cat likes to sing to "don't fear the reaper." Because she doesn't!
Eric and I did a bunch of laundry today. Then when it came out of the dryer, we put it under the sheets and climbed in for a warm laundry nap. So fucking good.
means watching dawson's creek while I database. maggie lynn is my new boss. she is very demanding. her standards for belly rubs and chin scratches are very high. pants with elastic waists black olives whenever I want them striped socks stuffed animals making obscene gestures more dawson's creek