Title: Full Circle, or, Mysterious Unnamed Psych/Leverage Crossover Fic (6/23)
Author: neensz
Word Count: ~14,700 total (so far)
Pairing: Eliot/Shawn pre-slash
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, violence, un-beta’d
Disclaimer: Psych and Leverage do not belong to me, nor do any of the characters or places or quotes I'm borrowing for my nefarious slashing
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Comments 16
Just a question- I was traveling two weeks ago and just caught a couple min of the episode and haven't decided if I want to go back and watch the whole thing, but I really like a couple of guest actors, so I have to ask why that episode almost killed your love for the show- what was it? Because if it was the Chivalry episode you're referring to, I won't go back and rewatch it!
also your icon made me realize I have a very large lack read non-existent amount of Psych and Leverage icons D8
For Leverage icons, check out katysam
For Psych icons, trolling the psych_slash and psych_finders communities are always a good bet 8D
yaaaaay new Leverage icons *______*
lol I do have a bunch Psych icons saved up *totally a member of both community's* I just don't have room for them with all my others XD; *reeeeeally needs to go through and change them up*
also this is my fav Lassiter icon ever, just saying
Swoon doesn't look like a word anymore...
You write Shawn really well.
I love the pinapple references.
Eliot being alternately annoyed and amused it great.
Thank you so much for posting this. I can't wait for the next installment.
Minor, minor nitpick: "...ganged up on like a wigger wearing Blood colors in Crypt territory".
If you're talking about Blood enemies, then it's Crips.
And I'm glad that I've got you reading this despite the fact that Shawn pushes your annoyance buttons (probably all at once, too, like someone sliding their hand down the elevator panel so it takes everyone else on the elevator forever to get to the ground floor, am I right?) \o/
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