Title: Dear Myself
Author: neko-fish
Pairings: Akame, Ryopi
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kazuya and Jin's relationship has been going downhill when help comes in the strangest way
Chapter 1//
Chapter 2//
Chapter 3//
Chapter 4//
Chapter 5//
Chapter 6//
Chapter 7//
Chapter 8 Chapter 9:
The two stared at him for a moment before Jin asked the question that was bothering the both of them, “what?”
“Am I a terrible person,” Yamapi repeated.
The eldest shot him an incredulous look, “Why would you be a terrible person? What’d you do this time?”
“Read my mind.”
Kame watched as Jin stared hard at his best friend, so hard that he actually thought he was reading the other’s mind. The A frowned, “it’s not working today, give me a hint.”
“It starts with a U and ends with a Chi.”
“U…chi…a witch?”
The K gave a laugh, “not quite Jin.”
Yamapi shook his head, “Take out the I in the middle.”
“Uchi…oh…oh. What happened this time?”
“Well I was on the phone with Ryo-chan at lunch and he was eating with Kanjani8…”
Something was ringing, Ryo raised a brow and picked up his phone, mouth half full of food, “Hello?”
“Are you eating, Ryo-chan?”
He blinked, “Pi?”
Around him, the other members immediately paused and grinned at each other and started fooling around, “ohhh it’s Ryo-chan’s boyfriend! How cute!”
He frowned, “Shut up!”
Subaru was the first to shout “Hi Yamapi!”
He was then followed by Maruyama’s “Thanks for taking care of our Ryo-chan!”
And Hina’s “Keep him away from other younger men though!”
And Yasu’s “Taller, younger men!”
Then Yoko’s “Yea! Taller, younger men who tops-ow! Ryo-chan!”
Ryo gave a groan and yelled to no one in particular, “Why do I keep getting harassed while I’m on the phone!?”
He could hear Yamapi laughing at his frustrated cry, “it’s because you’re so harassable Ryo-chan.”
“Shut up! I’m not harassable!”
The other members began disagreeing with him at once, “Yes you are!”
“Ryo-chan’s so cute and harassable!”
“Not harassable!”
“Especially when he’s on the phone!”
He frowned and protested, “No I’m not!”
“Don’t deny it Dokkun!”
Ryo looked over at Ohkura who hadn’t said anything yet, “Tacchon! Say something-in my defense!”
The other was trying to hide his grin as he ate, “Ryo-chan, they’re telling the truth though.”
Realizing that he wasn’t going to get help from Ohkura, he turned to his best friend, “Uchi! Tell them it’s not true!”
“Sorry Ryo-chan, I’m not allowed to lie.”
“What!?” He gave a whine, “You’re supposed to be my best friend! Traitor!”
Uchi laughed, “Stop exaggerating, Ryo-chan.”
After another round of let’s-harass-Ryo-chan-while-he’s-on-the-phone, he gave a final defeated yell, “Why is everyone against me!?”
He was promptly answered by “because we love you Ryo-chan!”
Kame blinked, “wow it’s true…Ryo-chan does get harassed whenever he’s on the phone…” he meant both verbally and physically, but no one had to know.
The singer gave a soft laugh, “It can’t be helped, he’s just so molestable.”
Jin nodded in agreement, “so what’s the problem?”
Yamapi sighed, “It’s not really a problem, more like a mental thing. But when I heard Uchi on the phone, I realized that he was probably back in Kanjani8…does it make me a bad person for not wanting him to rejoin NEWS?”
“You don’t know for a fact that he’s going to rejoin…”
“Yea…but still…”
The youngest of the three gave him a reassuring pat on the back, “I don’t think it makes you a terrible person. Isn’t it only natural for you to not want to share him? I mean, it’s not like you hate Uchi or anything.”
He looked up, “Of course I don’t, he’s an awesome person, how can you hate him?”
Jin reached over and ruffled his hair, “exactly, then there’s no need to be worrying about it you idiot. If it actually happens, we’ll help you deal with it alright? Even if it means kidnapping Ryo-chan…again.”
The three of them shared a laugh at Ryo’s expense, Kame shook his head, still laughing, “We’re such horrible people.”
The eldest nodded, “For that, yes we are.” Then he shrugged and snaked an arm around the younger one’s waist, “But it can’t be helped so too bad.”
“Thanks guys…” Yamapi smiled and turned to face the television, “so…what movie is this?”
After another two movies, Kame’s phone rang, he picked it up without looking at the ID, “hello?”
“Open the door.”
He blinked, “What?”
“Open the door, now.”
“…alright.” He hung up and turned to Yamapi, “Ryo-chan’s at the door.”
The elder looked over, slightly confused, “What?” Then his phone rang, he picked it up with an automatic “hello?”
“Pi, open the door before I kick it down.”
Yamapi got up and scurried off to let the shorter man in. When he disappeared, Jin looked over at the other and asked quietly, “when did Uchi and Ryo-chan…”
Kame raised a brow, “Hm?”
“I have amnesia remember?”
“Oh right,” he turned and whispered into the elder’s ear incase the other two were to suddenly appear, “after Uchi’s suspension, he decided to fully concentrate on his work instead. So during Playzone, he broke it off by saying ‘sorry and thank you for everything’ and yea…”
“Wow…that’s terrible…poor Ryo-chan…” he rested his head on top of the younger one’s and sighed.
Then the person they were talking about walked into the room, “hey, I brought dinner…” he paused and made a gagging motion, “sorry, I just threw up in my mouth at how gay you guys look right now.”
Suddenly there was a “I love you, Ryo-chan!” as Yamapi happily hugged the shorter man tightly from behind. The other two to exchange looks of amusement before they turned back to Ryo and made throwing up motions.
“Go burn in hell you two,” Ryo muttered as he struggled futilely against the other’s embrace, glaring at the pair.
“Aw, Ryo-chan, you know you love us,” Jin crooned, but when he received a strange look from his best friend, he added, “more so Pi than us.”
Kame nodded, “so what was this talk of dinner before you got attacked by Pi?”
“Ryo-chan brought us dinner!”
The eldest of the four beamed, “how uncharacteristically nice of you.”
Ryo scoffed, “don’t worry. I didn’t buy your share, you’re getting fat again, Bakanishi.”
“Hey! That’s not true! I’m very slim!”
“Not slim enough to get dinner.”
“Pi weighs about the same as me!”
“No I don’t! I weigh like a dozen pounds less than you!”
“That’s not the point!”
Yamapi shot him another strange look, “isn’t it the point?”
“Well…you guys are just short!”
“I’m the same height as you! …where did Kame go?”
The three looked around before spotting the youngest man in the kitchen who looked back at them, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m hungry…so can we eat already?”
Ryo gave a soft grunt of agreement before walking towards the kitchen, dragging Yamapi, who was still attached to him, along. Jin got up and tagged along, “Ryo-chan, do I really not get to eat?”
Kame rolled his eyes, “if he really doesn’t let you, I’ll give you some of mine alright?”
Pi frowned, “This is why Kame’s so abnormally skinny! Jin’s always eating his food!”
“I do not-”
They were both promptly shushed when the other two shoved food into their mouths. There was a pause before Ryo gave a sigh, “that’s so much better.”
“Io-kan watt aus ah ohr?”
He looked over and raised a brow, “I have no idea what you just said, swallow first.”
“Ehajk iokan watt aus ah ohr.”
“…what? Jin, you’re not making any sense either.”
The two of them swallowed their food obediently before talking again.
“I said Ryo-chan what was that for.”
“I said he said Ryo-chan what was that for.”
They exchanged grins, suddenly on the same side again. The Oosaka man rolled his eyes and headed off to the living room, “idiots have to stay in the kitchen.” The three of them stood there obediently and watched him, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose “…oh right…top two idiots have to stay in the kitchen.”
Yamapi and Jin immediately shot Ryo pouts which were promptly ignored as Kame took his dinner and followed the other into the living room. The A snapped his fingers and gave a thoughtful frown, “Damn, forgot about his immunity to us.”
“Well…on the bright side, he left us with food…”
He nodded and grinned, “Let’s hurry up and eat so we can go and disturb them.”
The younger of the two returned the grin, “Let’s.”
The two were lounged comfortably on opposite ends of the couch, enjoying their food. Ryo stopped eating for a moment to ask, “so you two…?”
Kame looked up from his food and nodded, “yea…yesterday…hey Ryo-chan?”
“Do you thin-”
He was cut off when screaming abruptly emerged from the kitchen, “Ryo-chan! Kame-chan! Save us!”
The two exchanged strange looks before heading off to the kitchen, the pair were pressed up against the wall, hugging each other, panic evident on their faces. Ryo raised a brow, “I don’t see a fire…what’d you guys do this time?”
“Nothing! There’s a really, really big spider!”
“Yea it’s over there!”
They turned to look at the direction Jin was pointing at, on the counter, there was indeed, a really big spider. Ryo and Kame gave a surprised yelp before joining the other two against the wall, “How-when did that get in!?”
“I don’t know!”
“Someone kill it or let it outside or something!”
The eldest looked around and picked up a bucket that was lying around for some reason, “Here’s a bucket! You do it, Pi!”
Yamapi shook his head furiously, using the scenario as an excuse to hug his boyfriend, “No! I’m not going near that thing! Kame-chan, you go do it!”
Kame backed up tightly against Jin, shaking his head, “Why me!? Ryo-chan, you’re the manliest!”
“Well I nominate Jin!”
“Me too!” Pi joined in, “he’s got the bucket already!”
Kame paused and decided to change his mind, he turned around to face the other, “Go already Jin!”
“Eh!? Why are you all teaming up against me!?”
His best friend decided to answer him with a “because you’re the tallest and you weigh the most!”
He frowned, “What does that have to do with anything!?”
“If it attacks, you’re more likely to survive!”
Ryo looked over with a more logical reason, “Come on! You’re the oldest!”
“But you guys are like five times more violent than me!”
“Yea! Pi, you and Kame-chan had that fight in the park before. And Ryo-chan…you…you’re Ryo-chan.”
Pi shook his head and protested loudly, “that’s not true! Me and Kame-chan only fought because we hated each other back then. And Ryo-chan’s been strangely mellow lately, and you’re not exactly anti-violent yourself.”
Ryo frowned, “Hurry up before I kick your ass!”
“How is that ‘strangely mellow’!?”
His best friend gave a shrug, “It’s strangely mellow for Ryo-chan, note how he isn’t actually kicking your ass right now?”
“True…” Reluctantly, Jin took a step away from the wall before giving a cry, “this isn’t fair! I’m scared!”
“That’s okay! You’ll probably forget all of this by tomorrow!”
“No I won’t! Someone else do it!”
“Come on Akanishi! If that spider does anything weird you can just step on it!”
“That’s disgusting!”
“Come on! Be a man!”
He let out a whine, “But I don’t want to be a man!”
The spider made a move towards them causing the four to let out alarmed yells of distress, “Jin! Hurry up before it either gets to us or the food! I’m still hungry!”
“Can I throw the bucket?”
“If you kill that thing, you’re cleaning up its guts.”
“But Kame-chan-”
“Hurry up and get it out of here! At least put the bucket over it!”
“Why can’t someone else do it!?”
Kame looked over at the other pair, “Because Pi’s too busy hugging Ryo-chan and he’s probably not going to let go.”
“What about you!?”
“It might carry Kame-chan away!”
“Hey! I’m not that light!” He rolled his eyes and held his hand out, waiting for the bucket to be passed to him, “Fine! I’ll go get it if you’re that afraid.”
Jin shook his head and clutched the pail to his chest, he didn’t want to risk first of all, his pride, and second of all, having Kame getting kidnapped by a spider. “I’ll do it.”
“Then go already!”
The singer frowned and slowly made his way towards the spider, Yamapi laughed and called out to his friend, “Jin’s so manly!”
“I’m scared!”
When he finally reached the 8 legged creature, in one swift movement, he slammed the bucket over it. The three against the wall cheered.
“And Akanishi Jin saves dinner!”
He looked back at his friends and blinked, “…now what?”
The four of them plopped lazily onto the couch with plates of food in their hands. And in the kitchen, the bucket remained on the counter with a piece of paper taped onto it, on it read “Kumo-chan :)”.
After the movie ended, Ryo looked over, “Pi, did you drive here?”
He looked over and nodded, “Yea.”
The shorter man gave a yawn, “I don’t feel like taking the train home.”
Yamapi glanced at the clock, “we should get going hm? Got work tomorrow.”
Jin nodded, “oh yea, we have work too, don’t we?”
“Yea we do.”
“We better get going.”
“Alright, we’ll see you guys tomorrow, bye.”
Another five minutes passed before Ryo finally got up, “well that was thoroughly stupid, are we actually going to go any time soon?”
“I was waiting for you to get up first!”
He raised a brow, “Why?”
“Incase you randomly change your mind about leaving?”
“…and why would I do that? We have work tomorrow…”
Yamapi shrugged and got up, “you might’ve suddenly wanted to have a sleepover so you can eat chocolate while hugging a big teddy bear while watching a movie?”
There was another long pause as the three stared at Pi with strange looks.
Ryo cleared his throat and headed out of the room, “…right, let’s go already. Bye.”
The younger singer smiled and followed after, “See you guys tomorrow.”
Jin and Kame stayed seated long after the two left, the younger of the two looked over and broke the silence, “I still can’t make sense of what Pi said, can you?”
“…when Ryo-chan said top two idiot, am I the top idiot, or the second idiot?”
“I have no idea.”
And there was another long pause, “Jin…”
“What are we going to do about the spider?”
After taking care of the spider and getting ready for bed, Jin crawled under the covers after the other, “Ne, Kame…”
“Would it be weird if I gave you a goodnight kiss?”
Kame propped onto his elbows to stare at him, “Well you just made it weird by asking.”
“Oh…too bad for you then,” he leaned over and gave the younger man a light peck on the cheek, “goodnight.”
After a long while, he snapped out of his daze and looked at the unconscious man attached to his waist, and smiled sleepily to himself, “Goodnight…idiot…”
The next morning, moments before the alarm went off, Kame was awakened by a soft whimper and movements from the other side of the bed.
He looked up groggily to find Jin muttering incoherently into his hair, tears threatening to spill from the corner of his closed eyes. He blinked and grabbed the other’s shoulder, shaking him a bit, “…Jin?”
The elder stirred but didn’t wake. Faintly, he could make out a couple words that came out of the other’s mouth, “so sorry…”
A/N: Sorry if this chapter seems rushed, maybe it's just me, I have no idea. But I'll be gone for a week! Going on a cruise! To Alaska! XD Can't wait, I'll be leaving in...12ish hours and I'll be sleeping for 9 of those hours =P Yesss so have a great week while I'm gone! Another longish chapter! Oh yea, kumo means spider and witch is uicchi incase you didn't get it. Enjoy =]