Series: The Year After
Title: Another Long Week
Pairing: HP/SS
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,165
djin7Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and am making no profit.
Note: This is loosely based on the events that will happen in
Book Seven. The series is a work of vignettes set in the same universe. Also please read
The Snape Holiday first.
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Comments 27
I belong to the group of readers who prefer to read between the lines. To paraphrase you, some stories are better without words (well, SOME words are necessary, lol), it just shows the wrtiter's class and skill when they're able to show instead of saying it.
Plus, not spelling everything out conveys the characters' confusion, too. Perfect example:
“I am tired,” said Harry. “I am so tired of doing the impossible. I don’t care to try anymore. I’ve done enough.”
“Then why,” said Snape stiffly, drawing back and away, “are you still here?”
This time Harry lifted his head and looked Snape in the eye. “Don’t you know?”
Harry didn’t have to pull Snape to bed tonight.
thanks for being part that do enjoy something like this, despite the confusion. i mean harry is confused and perplex and in a real relationship you really don't know where you are doing.
Yes, exactly. Thus, some writers tend to polish their dialogue, lest it seem too fragmented and awkward. The result? Characters, instead of speaking, make speeches. Each line of i.e. Snape-Harry dialogue is followed by fourteen lines of Harry's interpretation of Severus' every single word and pondering on what to say next.
It just DOESN'T happen in real life, we talk for the sake of talking, and make only brief pauses to actually listen to what other people are saying. And half the time we don't make much sense of it. That's why your writing seems so natural, so visceral. I like it.
and yes brief pauses are a great part of what goes on in dialogue (hence the action in between the words or description or something to break up the talk).
and I would like to thank you for explaining why I can't diet properly. Apparently my "magic" is in sync. Damn it.
Thanks again, and please do write while you are away. Have fun!
Also love how they push each other's limits and throw down gauntlets at peevish moments (so very IC for both of them) and say so much by failing to leave when the opportunity presents itself.
You get points for unsentimental sex.
And really, what the hell would these two do with a spoken, "I love you"? It would fall out and sit there between them on the floor or the mattress with both of them staring at it, nonplussed. There'd be no follow-up. Life would revert to what it always is.
Really individual. I could read this stuff forever.
oh, unsentimental sex is soooooo bloody hard to write. glad you liked it. and you're exceedingly right about the 'i love you' bit.
i will eventually write the prequel to this *coughs* tentatively titled: "History of Living Together"
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