I'm back in grayson for the first time in five weeks. I hate it so much. Not returning again for a very long time sounds like a great idea. Forget Thanksgiving dinner. It isn't worth it.
I miss all the people in Ruston that I've left behind. They are my friends.
After a week of getting stoned every night and having dreams about donkey protistians, I think I'm a new piece of cheese. I need to find some acid though. I want some.
I miss people.
But what happened to the times when I was a sober fish? Sometimes I just want to kill something.
I skipped class for the second day in a row and I have a biology exam tomorrow. Loki is going home for the evening, so that's one less friend for the evening. Tomorrow is Joy's birthday (me and some other people are going to give her the 10 penis and boob salute! Fun fun!). And right now....
I haven't gotten around to talking to many of you for the past few weeks. I miss you all and love most of you. I just wanted to let you you know. Au Revoir.