This is probably the funniest science video I've ever seen. We found this last year during our Honors Chemistry class and we watched it again today in AP. I don't know who these guys are, but they seem to me to be something like the British Myth Busters....they like blowing things up, at least.
So I don't know if anyone here knows about it, or if I've posted about it before, but xkcd is one of my favorite comics. A lot of them I admit I don't understand, but the ones I do are cute as hell.
A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are walking past an empty, abandoned house. They see two people go into the house, and then sometime later three people emerge. The physicist says, "That's impossible!", the biologist says, "They must have reproduced." and the mathematician says "If someone else goes in there, that house will be empty
We had an assembly today based on some bloke who made some quote which Bill Gates quoted, or something, I wasn't really listening. There were 12/15 points on life and our favourite was: "be nice to nerds, one day they will be your boss."