A girl I was sort-of friends with in highschool, who at the time essentially said to me, "I'm in love (like IN LOVE in love) with you, but I love Jesus too much to be gay," and then later went and did some weird shit regarding my boyfriend behind my back, wrote to me about two weeks ago. I hadn't talked to her since I was 18. She was all, "I found this poem you wrote me and I just wanted to say I'm so sorry!" and I was like, "Seriously? Seven years later, you're still hung up on this shit from when we were barely-formed people?" and didn't write her back or anything.
No good ever comes of that sort of thing. NO GOOD. That behavior is for insomnia fantasies, not real life.
There are just so very many different ways I could go with this. (1. Text message confessional? 2. SIX YEARS LATER?) But really, I'm mostly just in disbelief that *that* was how he'd act when he supposedly loved someone. I wish my past self could flashforward through time and see this, just so she'd know not to waste her energy because *that* was as good as it would get.
Comments 8
A girl I was sort-of friends with in highschool, who at the time essentially said to me, "I'm in love (like IN LOVE in love) with you, but I love Jesus too much to be gay," and then later went and did some weird shit regarding my boyfriend behind my back, wrote to me about two weeks ago. I hadn't talked to her since I was 18. She was all, "I found this poem you wrote me and I just wanted to say I'm so sorry!" and I was like, "Seriously? Seven years later, you're still hung up on this shit from when we were barely-formed people?" and didn't write her back or anything.
No good ever comes of that sort of thing. NO GOOD. That behavior is for insomnia fantasies, not real life.
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