i do not normally use an umbrella, however today i decided i would. i have a strict no umbrella policy because i have a fear of my umbrella flipping up (inside out). why? how? i do not know. i just know that i would not survive the embarrassment
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something i noticed: when people strive to achieve uniformity and we notice it, it is called a standard. when people are in some way uniform naturally and we notice it, it is called a stereotype.
why? both can influence your behavior, attitude and treatment, but only one is considered negative...why?
i'm feeling distant tonight. i'm in a lonely in a crowd type mood. i'm rapidly growing more and more impatient for real friends, conversations of substance, and phone calls from people nearby
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jerry lewis doesn't host the jerry lewis telethon?!?!?! what! is he dead? i think not. where is he? should i keep watching? will he surface later in the show? HE is the whole reason i ever watch this...however i haven't watched it in a few years and it appears he may not have been doing it during those years. is there a connection here? hmm...
people rarely use the truly great words in the english language. there are so many yet we stick with a common few. it isn't hard. it only takes a bit of time. i pick a word each week or so and start using it. i think everyone should...but there are so many things i think that don't happen so i'm starting to get used to disappointment.
it's so hot here the states of massachusetts and new hampshire are declaring a state of emergency. they're opening shelters with a/c for the elderly and the homeless
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