woe is me. its been awhile. today didnt go as well as planned, nor did yesterday or monday for that matter. damn. i cant seem to get anything done. maybe i should just stick with link and saving Hyrule and things will work out for the better.
School started, had an awesome first day. we shall see how number 2 goes tomorrow. i have a feeling the 13 hour days are going to start kicking my ass in about a week or so.
so who would have thought that at my first wedding i be both the best man and technically the bride's maid as well as the babysitter and photographer. groovy.
Radiohead was a dream. And an amazing dream at that. Pirates 2 was pirates. It was fun and worth seeing in the theater, however, I didnt expect much, and thats what I got. But, this doesnt change the fact that I am going to steal the bus poster of Kiera Knightly. I feel less like myself then ever.
So here are some pictures from the recent adventure to san fran. I would go into detail about each, but I am sort of lazy. Besides, guessing is about 30 times more fun.