Round-up of recent LJ news

Jun 19, 2014 14:56

Hello, everyone!

We've made some exciting changes in the last couple weeks and we want to make sure you have all the details, so let's get right to them!

Recent Releases
  • We're very happy to let you know that your Friends page is staying! We've heard you about wanting to keep the current version of your Friends page (styled the same as your journal itself), so you can now keep your current Friends page style even in the redesigned version of the site!

    -- This URL ( will continue to show your current Friends page style.

    -- This URL ( will show the new redesigned Friends feed style.

    This release also fixed an issue with the Edit Journal Privacy tool, allowing Plus/Paid/Permanent users to once again edit the security of past entries all at once. (This issue only affected the use of the mass privacy editing tool itself; the actual security of entries was never at risk.) This release also added the ability to add your Links List as a widget to the new Friends feed, so check out this release post for all the details!
  • Comment subject lines are back for the system style comment pages! Comment subject lines are now an option you can turn on or off for your journal or community. This release also made it easier to reach the full options page when adding memories (so you can categorize and choose keywords when adding a memory), so head on over to this release post for all the info.
  • Lastly, today's minor release lets you change the order of displayed widgets on the new Friends feed. A few bugs were also fixed, so check out this release post for the full list.

We're continuing to use the lj_feedback community to get your thoughts on things, and you've been great about providing detailed responses to our recent posts -- thank you! We're still going through all of your great responses to our most recent post about how to make it easier to find new friends and interesting communities on LiveJournal, so be sure to comment and give us your ideas if you haven't done so yet (or if you've thought of something new to add).

Keep Up with All the News
For all the details about changes to LiveJournal as they happen, be sure to watch the lj_releases community. We'll also continue to ask for your opinions in lj_feedback, so you may want to keep it on your watch list as well! You can choose to watch or track these communities using the links in the light blue option bar on their Profile pages.

So that's it for now! Have a great weekend, and we'll see you again soon! :)
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