Title: Hajimete no Chuu Pairing: TakuGoro Rating: PG Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me A smapXsmap set triggers a memory for Kimura and Goro.
You are a true friend, my friend, saying such sweet things about my little story. I thought about continuing on from here. You know like now that TakuGoro thought about it they might try it again but I kind of like leaving it like this as it does leave it just a sweet memory for the two of them.
Hopefully Shintaku will be up next week. Of course there will be no messing around with those two because you know bb is my bf!
Thanks again for being such a good friend. PS Love your icon!
kyaaa~~~~~ sorry for the uber-late comment on this.. But really, it's sooo sweet!!!! Though at first I was a bit of surprised to see that the dialogues are centered, it's not taht it's bad or something, it's just that it's a new way of rpesenting a dialogue and at first I thought you included a song or something.
And now for the precious fic, the first moments when Goro was asking Takuya and they had their sort of bickering thing is soo cute (so much like Goro to give those comments! And Captain to wait for the snarky returns and to be the perfect bully)! I love the mixture of childishness (Goro's curiousity about the kiss topic) and adult sweetness (int he actual kiss)... I dunno, this fic appeals to me like a cake, visually pleasing but then it gets better once you taste (or in this case, read) further.
Seriously girl, I was going: "no, no, Goro, it's not wrong to be in love with Kimura kun"
I never quite shipped TakuGoro seriously but this one, waaaaaaa it really made an impact!
You are SOOOO sweet to give me such lovely feedback. I am so glad you enjoyed this little bit of TakuGoro love candy. I was kind of disappointed after I put this up on LJ as it was my first attempt at fanfic and no one but my pal, K., commented.
Anyway I really appreciate your kind words. I am totally shipping this pair. They are super cute together. I love that Kimura will naturally tease Goro (he teases everyone!) but is the one person who befriended him when everyone else hated him. TakuGoro 4-ever!!!
Aww! I love it<3 It's so cute, and I like how Kimura's and Goro's memories are slightly different, just like the way people always remember things a little bit differently. And I like how you kept at just a kiss, nothing more, not the beginning of a romance but simply an expression of how close they are. That's unusual to see, and I think it works really well for them :D
Thanks again for commenting so sweetly! I figured if you want TakuGoro to go any further (and you know sometimes I do, too!) you can just use your imagination. I really do love this pair. They seem at first like such an unlikely couple, but they fit together so well.
Comments 6
and..his face full of the enthusiasm he usually saved for waving to family and friends while on camera...hahahahahah...
So now...where is my shintaku....;p
Even thought about writing a series?
Hopefully Shintaku will be up next week. Of course there will be no messing around with those two because you know bb is my bf!
Thanks again for being such a good friend.
PS Love your icon!
And now for the precious fic, the first moments when Goro was asking Takuya and they had their sort of bickering thing is soo cute (so much like Goro to give those comments! And Captain to wait for the snarky returns and to be the perfect bully)! I love the mixture of childishness (Goro's curiousity about the kiss topic) and adult sweetness (int he actual kiss)... I dunno, this fic appeals to me like a cake, visually pleasing but then it gets better once you taste (or in this case, read) further.
Seriously girl, I was going: "no, no, Goro, it's not wrong to be in love with Kimura kun"
I never quite shipped TakuGoro seriously but this one, waaaaaaa it really made an impact!
Anyway I really appreciate your kind words. I am totally shipping this pair. They are super cute together. I love that Kimura will naturally tease Goro (he teases everyone!) but is the one person who befriended him when everyone else hated him. TakuGoro 4-ever!!!
Thanks again!
Thanks again for your comments!
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