Title : Just A Twist Pairing: Yongseo Genre : Romance/comedy, light, fluffy Rating: PG-18 Summary: How is it to have Seo Hyun looks more like Yong Hwa? Warning: Grammar.
YS baby FTW!!! Indeed Hyun looks pretty in leopard printed outfits, for whatever it is ^^ A really nice oneshot. It seems you have free time recently, Nae Thank you and keep up the good work
Wow, Nhim. You're so fast :") Thank you so much for your words. YEEES, IKR. YS baby is magic, something will bring anyone happiness :) And I agree, too, Seo Hyun on leopart printed outfits never failed to gain Yong's stare, but, they need a little fight :p
Hehe. Yes, I have a spare time on weekend to write :) I'm sooo bored, that's why I wrote this to entertain myself. LOL.
Thank you for you, too. Goodluck on your exam!! :)
seohyun with those new habit is so strange >_< but they will have a baby! yeay... i am so happy with them.. after she inform her pregnancy she come back with her old habit... good by leopard lingeri... kkkk~ poor yonghwa...
Ah!,i just see ur update. Good job , so cute . I love story about hyun is pregnant .. I don't know why I doㅋㅋㅋ Poor Yong , so funny when he tried search his coffee ㅎㅎㅎ yes , I love old hyun buin too but hyun with leopard printed so good ㅋㅋ & hyunnnnn , coffee isn't good for pregnant woman .
Comments 10
A really nice oneshot. It seems you have free time recently, Nae
Thank you and keep up the good work
Thank you so much for your words. YEEES, IKR. YS baby is magic, something will bring anyone happiness :) And I agree, too, Seo Hyun on leopart printed outfits never failed to gain Yong's stare, but, they need a little fight :p
Hehe. Yes, I have a spare time on weekend to write :) I'm sooo bored, that's why I wrote this to entertain myself. LOL.
Thank you for you, too. Goodluck on your exam!! :)
keep on writing author~nim, this is so sweet^^
but they will have a baby! yeay... i am so happy with them.. after she inform her pregnancy she come back with her old habit... good by leopard lingeri... kkkk~ poor yonghwa...
Good job , so cute . I love story about hyun is pregnant .. I don't know why I doㅋㅋㅋ
Poor Yong , so funny when he tried search his coffee ㅎㅎㅎ yes , I love old hyun buin too but hyun with leopard printed so good ㅋㅋ
& hyunnnnn , coffee isn't good for pregnant woman .
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