Feb 14, 2005 19:41
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Feb 01, 2005 20:19
spiked colaa: u wan sex, then u come here
Jan 27, 2005 20:56
Me and the fat head (Nick) walked in the freezing cold to mt. hebron today. it was all good though because i ambushed mr. strauss and attacked him. funny. Nick sucks.
Jan 24, 2005 21:49
Ok, so, we do not have enough frinds. so, we would appreciate it if the people who are our friends can put in their posts for everyone to be our friends. THANK YOU!
Jan 24, 2005 13:52
hi, im Alex, one half of the phattest people on Earth, (nick and alex). if we arent ur friends yet, add us now, or we'll be forced to eat you. now, tell us if you want us to add you back because we are awesome, and doesnt everyone want to be friends with awesome people?!?!?!?!