Full Name: Jessica Nickole Tillery (I go by Nikki) Age: 21 Birthdate: Feb. 21, 1985 Were you named after anyone?: No Do you like your name?: Yes If you could change it, what would you change it to?: Raven Nickole, since that's what my mother wanted to name me, but my grandmother had a fit about the name "Raven".
Full Name: Nicole Marie Age: 16 Birthdate: April 15, 1990 Were you named after anyone?: nope Do you like your name?: of course i do!! =D If you could change it, what would you change it to?: I'm not sure if I would change it or not...hmmm...
Full Name: Rebecca Niccole Hill Age: 18 Birthdate: 4-21-1987 Were you named after anyone?: no Do you like your name?: no If you could change it, what would you change it to?: Aelith
Full Name:Nichole Leann Nees Age:17 Birthdate:7*20*87 Were you named after anyone?: a model that my parents knew Do you like your name?: yes but it is very common so I go by Nicki If you could change it, what would you change it to?: uhm... I guess I would keep it nicHole! Cuz I have an "H"!!!
Full Name: Nicole Marie Age: 15 Birthdate: October 30th, 1989 Were you named after anyone?: Not that I know of. Do you like your name?: When I was little, I thought it sounded masculine, but I've grown to like it. If you could change it, what would you change it to?: Maybe Cassie, just because I love that name. :)
Full Name: nicole lidia Age: 14 Birthdate: june 16 Were you named after anyone?: nope. Do you like your name?: yah If you could change it, what would you change it to?: i dont think i would change it.
Full Name: Nicole Elena Robertson Age: 15 Birthdate: February 21, 1990 Were you named after anyone?: Nope Do you like your name?: Of course! If you could change it, what would you change it to?: Tallulah