Jan 30, 2017 00:23
"The ego wants to want more than it wants to have."
~ Eckhart Tolle
Jan 13, 2017 19:44
"It's very different because the #Indians live as if they are their souls and Americans live as if they are their egos."
~ Ram Dass (live)
Let go of the ego and embrace the soul. Listen to it. Follow it.
Dec 07, 2016 23:25
"Now is not a moment in time. Now is Presence. To transform and heal your life. Choose consciously now."
~ Deepak Chopra
Nov 08, 2016 09:16
"The Universe is safe, abundant and friendly and I deserve it all." #affirmation
Jun 23, 2016 18:51
Know yourself first - not your industry or your next product, but yourself. Otherwise, you run the risk of being trapped by money.
~ Jeff Emerson
Jun 06, 2016 23:17
"The minute you've accepted a title, you're a slave to it."
May 23, 2016 01:35
"To deeply appreciate and understand your Spirit is to identify what you love."
~ Sonia Choquette