I know it was probably due to the fever, but I was on the Island with Juliet, Locke and Richard. We had fun time-travelling together, stealing cakes from Daniel's mother....she kept them in the cave, don't ask me more, please
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Which creature of the night are you? Your Result: Cthulu Spawn
You are really an alien thing, aren't you? I can't describe you because you are beyond. We say "left field" and you say "Krn Grth Thchrang." You are the wild card of the bunch, the unknown quantity Vampire
Ok, just an absolutely random post (when I post, calamities happen...today I have to show everywhere how nerd I am) 'cause I'm watching all DS9 from ep 1 (yes, there are 7 seasons to watch, I know...there's nothing good on tv at night XD
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Mirabolanti news!!! Prese da questo topic sul forum di comicus.it Riporto solo quelle che interessano alla sottoscritta :P ma c'è anche roba sul Mutandone se seguite il link.