So, the new trailer is awesome, and of course, as a Joker/Harley fan, the most exciting part of the trailer is perhaps the scene of Joker diving into a vat of acid and PULLING HARLEY UP OUT OF THE ACID.
Seems like a really lame, cheap, and surface level interpretation of our Mister J and Harley...I don't think Jared Leto is right for the part at alll and the way they wrote Harley as just a "crazy" blonde sex kitten is And giving The Joker a grill? What the hell??
Like these? Is it any good? Confused as to why no one is talking about seems like they've sanitized her a bit too much? Or am I wrong? Just need to talk about this. Especially the love child whaaat?
This is only a rough cut that they'll be showing for a limited time. They're trying to make a trilogy, and you can visit their kickstarter if you want to help.