To call what you've written here a blog seems to devalue it somehow. I routinely look at the answers to the day's writer's block and am frequently disappointed. But this essay is beautiful. I find that I've taken my hearing for granted. Thank you for the insight. I hope that someday doctors are able to restore your hearing.
Wow, Thank you for sharing this. Its.... I dont really have the right word to praise it without sounding condesending. I am humbled by your post though.
thank you...I was afraid I might come across a bit too much "poor me," but I'm not trying to throw myself a pity party here. I'm glad you didn't feel it was a litany of sorrow and regret.
Re: Your hearing aidsniki_and_inkSeptember 22 2008, 16:58:07 UTC
I use hearing aids manufactured by Oticon (there are really only two BIG hearing aid companies, Oticon and Seimens) and yes, when I was a teenager I was self-conscious of them and would try to cover them with my hair. However in recent years I do not, because many times a stranger will ask me something unintelligible or call out something to my departing back and then become angry when I do not turn and respond. If they see the hearing aids, they are more understanding.
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