Ianto point of view picspam - part 10b

May 19, 2009 15:03

Now to look at how Ianto views Jack in season two.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk, http://www.stripedwall.com/gallery.php?dir=television/Torchwood and the fabulous

Again in episode order, starting with the relevant part of Fragments.

Part 1 a - Fragments | Part 1 b - Fragments | Part 1 c - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 a - Cyberwoman | Part 3 b - Cyberwoman | Part 3 c - Cyberwoman| Part 4 - Small Worlds to Countrycide | Part 5 - Greeks Bearing Gifts | Part 6 a - They Keep Killing Suzie| Part 6 b - They Keep Killing Suzie | Part 6 c - They Keep Killing Suzie | Part 7 - Random Shoes to Combat | Part 8 a - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 8 b - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 8 c - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 9 a - End of Days | Part 9 b - End of Days | Part 9 c - End of Days | Part 10 a - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - part b

Jack and Ianto enter the office. Jack first and we get a hint of what the drive over was possibly like. Jack babbling away about nonsense and Ianto trying to remain professional. The two of them obviously still not discussing about Jack’s absence from the team.

Ianto is nervous, which is in comparison to an apparently happy Jack

Jack walks more into the room and instead of following Jack, Ianto heads in the opposite direction from him. Putting physical barriers in the way.

We know that Ianto is nervous and not concentrating properly in that he is moving papers looking for a metal canister that is obviously not flat in places where it obviously isn’t hiding. Jack is being flirty and suggesting of doing things other than their jobs. Ianto has been glancing at his back and finally looks up when Jack suggests using the photocopier.

Ianto then turns the dialogue back onto the job they are there to do. He does not look at Jack. His voice is louder and slightly stern.

Again, avoiding looking at Jack and moving away from him. Trying to find the best way out of this awkward situation and a conversation he is not prepared to have just yet.

Jack finally gets Ianto to look at him by asking him how he is.

But Ianto quickly turns away again, after seeing the look on Jack’s face and Jack’s earnestness. He gives Jack his back to talk to. Closing himself off. This is the last time Ianto calls him sir after Jack requests that he doesn’t.

Running his hand though his hair, to show his nervousness around Jack. Where normally Ianto is very still and calm, his twitchiness here shows that he is not comfortable being alone with Jack.

Jack surprises him and Ianto cannot help but unconsciously fall back into his normal stance around Jack.

Hands on the hips, body turned towards Jack as he realises that Jack is asking him out on a date.

Here is a very unsure young man.

Realising he might be giving too much away, he turns away again. Still searching in places that the canisters obviously aren’t. He has moved further away from Jack, trying to distance himself again, but Jack has followed, maintaining the same distance.

He then orders Jack out of the room and away from him so that he can compose himself again. But before Jack can leave, Ianto can’t resist and asks a question, turning to face Jack.

This is the first real long direct look between the two of them in this whole scene. Jack has pretty much looked at Ianto throughout the whole scene, but Ianto has tried to avoid his eyes.

He turns back away, but still can’t resist having his head turned towards Jack.

As he confirms that he has agreed to the date. He is still avoiding looking at Jack.

Very nervous and agitated. Very un-Ianto like.

Surprised and cautious. Has Jack come back down from the roof?

Nope, it’s just time for another gun to be held at his head.

Um, less said about the disembodied hand of his that is behind him. There unfortunately isn’t two Iantos in the lift, as much as John and Jack would appreciate two Iantos… It is just the mirror.

His team is threatened and we see another glimpse of the strong man with loyalty above and beyond most people. A psychopath with a gun does not stop Ianto from showing that he is not afraid. In fact most times he has been threatened, Ianto drops his guard and reveals more about his true self.

Guns really don’t seem to deter him from making a stance.

John uses anything as a sexual weapon and the gun towards Ianto is no exception.

John lets him know in no uncertain terms that he considers Ianto attractive and would like nothing better than spending some time with him. Ianto knows that he has to save the rest of the team, that Jack can handle John, and would dearly love to show John that he isn’t somebody to be ‘played’ with. But he is stifled with the timing and having to go to the assistance of the others. His frustration and his anger at being considered a plaything is here for all to see.

Final part, the capture of John Hart.

jack-ianto, picspam, meta, torchwood

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