i'm so ready for the semester to be over. but then again, i'm not. semester ending = me moving away and life here getting postponed for a little while. and i'm going to miss studio. that's sick to write down. but i will.
5 hours of sleep means awesome to me right now. but i fell asleep earlier and asked someone to wake me up, but it didn't happen, but it's okay
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so i do believe that this weekend has been fun. fun, with my responsibilities looming in the background, which sucks. i have so much shit to do, and even if i promise myself to get some stuff done on saturday, it's never the amount i want to finish. enough about me. let's talk about you. nikki
everything in my life seems to be exploding right now. not going awry, just exploding, everything's blooming RIGHT NOW. i feel like sometimes my life is just like a lazy river, but right now... you get the point
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i've been at studio since 1pm yesterday...it's now 6:23 in the morning. the sun is just about to rise and i have to be at the post office at 8 to renew my passport. cheers i hope everyone had a good easter