Nin's Baccano! Fanfiction + Fanfiction Requests

Jan 10, 2020 18:13

Alright, I finally decided to do something productive and put all the links to all my Baccano! fanfiction in a single entry to make browsing a little easier for everyone. They appear in the order that they were written, and to save space, I've only listed the characters/pairings for each, since that's what most people use to browse by, anyway. The rest of the information can be read on the linked pages.

Pre-NaNo Fanfiction:

Time After Time (Firo/Ennis)
Angel of Death (Ladd/Lua)
Intoxication (Jacuzzi/Nice)

NaNoWriMo '07 Fanfiction Responses:

Happy Wedding (Isaac/Miria, Firo/Ennis, Ladd/Lua, Jacuzzi/Nice, Claire[/Chane], Luck/Eve, Keith, Berga, Maiza, Huey, Czeslaw, Hat Shop Owner, The Rat)
Trauma (Jon/Fan, Jacuzzi)
Tease (Nicholas/Rachel)
Bang, Snip (Ladd, Tic, Claire, Firo)
Closure (Maiza, Firo[/Ennis], Molsa, Czeslaw, [Gerd/Sylvie])
Welcome Home (Firo/Ennis, Isaac/Miria, Czeslaw)
Interlude (Luck, Berga, Keith, Claire[/Chane], Firo[/Ennis])
Trouble (Luck, Ennis, Firo)
Search Party (Jacuzzi/Nice, Chane[/Claire], Isaac/Miria)
Yes and No (Claire/Chane, Jacuzzi)
Rebel (Nice[/Jacuzzi], Chane[/Claire])
Irony (Ladd/Lua)
Sunbeam (Firo/Ennis)
Gamble (Maiza, Firo/Ennis, Isaac/Miria)
Understanding (Luck/Eve)
Cicatrix (Czeslaw, Firo/Ennis, Maiza)

Post-NaNo '07 NaNoWriMo Fanfiction Responses:
Supplementary Senses (Claire/Chane)
In-laws and Out-laws (Claire/Chane, Keith[/Kate], Berga[/Karia], Luck)

RP NaNo '08 Fanfiction Submissions:
250 Years or One Day Later (Crossover: Baccano!/Mass Effect; Garrus, Ennis[/Firo], [Czeslaw], [Jacuzzi/Nice])

The List of NaNo-fic requests

Also, while I still have over a dozen requests to complete because I'm lazy and easily distracted nowadays, I'm going to go ahead and accept further requests, but please note that I'll only come to these ones after I'm done with the leftover NaNo requests.

To make a request, please copy/paste and fill out the following in a comment. The Genre and Rating fields are optional and may be used to control the content, but a prompt is absolutely necessary to start the creative flow. The prompt can be a word, topic, sentence, picture, or anything else I can use to get started.


baccano!, fanfiction

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