If I came to visit you and you had my undivided time and attention for 24 hours, what would you like to do together? Be specific--you never know, it might be possible!
Take some sort of trip out into nature and practise our photography. Enjoy gourmet food upon returning into the city, and then it's movies/tv/movies/tv. :D
I'm going to have to nerd-out again and have you do the math I can't do :P Though, I don't think it's fair to still call it "mathematics" when they start using letters from English and foreign languages. That's literature :P
We would go to the beach, even if it was just to look at the water. Or an excuse to look hot in our swimsuits. We'd probably talk about books and TV and writing and life and stuff, and watch some TV. And there would be cranberry juice, and you could drink all of it, because EW.
I would take you to the bush to see if we could spot an echidna or wombat. We'd have tea and scones and go to the symphony orchestra in the evening. :)
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