Title: Vampire’s Kiss, 5/6?
ninamusingFandom: Heroes
Characters: Bennet/Claude, traces of Bennet/Sandra, Claude/Peter, Claude/various OCs
Rating: Teen
Challenge: written for
brave_new_slash’s Morally Grey November.
Author’s notes: Thanks again to
indyhat for a detailed and encouraging beta.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four (
Part Five )
Comments 19
I've got the last chapter outlined, although I'm trying to keep it from being sensationalistic, because it does tread close to some badfic clichés. I think the psychology works for everybody, but it does mean that there may be trouble ahead. ::hums Irving Berlin::
I kinda got sidetracked by real life for a while. It was annoying.
I'm glad it's still keeping your interest. And I'm glad you used the term "promiscuity" for Claude, 'cause while Bennet is wrestling with his issues, he's completely missing Claude's!
I loooooooooooove it!
<3 Great job!
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Ah, yes. I'm quite familiar with this phenomenon. *LMAO*
Congratulations on the fic award nomination!! That's wonderful. :D
And it's not like it gets massive traffic, either.
Dude, if there's one thing I learned recently, it's that you wouldn't believe how many people read (and enjoy!) yet never comment. It blows my mind.
You do such beautiful things with dialogue. You capture subtle emotions with depth and realism. Amazing storytelling.
I have to say I'm bittersweet about the ending on the horizon. On one hand, I can't wait to see how this finishes out. However, I also want it to keep going. I love the world and dynamic you created.
As silly as it sounds, I really want a happy ending for them.
I'm bittersweet about the ending on the horizon. On one hand, I can't wait to see how this finishes out. However, I also want it to keep going. I love the world and dynamic you created.
I've read stories like that, so I'm thrilled to have written one! The ending here will be more about what happened before. I don't know if it will end what one may call "happily", but it will end hopefully? Will that do? I hate to even think, let alone admit, this, but you've stirred up the idea for a sequel.
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