Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What would
es_gibt_nur_tod do differently in your shoes? talk more
2) What is
swissly's favorite band/artist? hmm dont know
3) Would you wrestle
mitsuko_08 in jello? oh hells yeah
4) Where was
wolvenshadow born? wisconsin?
5) Does
es_gibt_nur_tod have a crush on
lordofthejazz? ah no
6) What comic book character would
swissly be? one of the ninja turtles
7) If
kater_ade and
wolvenshadow were spliced together, what would be its name? katial?
8) What do you disagree with
dragynflies about? that i should live at home for as long as possible
9) Are
soyboypunk and
bassplaya married? there brothers... so no
10) What song/movie would you recommend to
arvesse? ANGEL...season three
11) Have you ever dated
dragynflies? nope
swissly's eye color? no idea
13) One quality you find attractive in
mitsuko_08? she says the cutest things at just the right moment <3
14) What color should
soyboypunk dye their hair? red
15) What would you do if you found out
wolvenshadow has a crush on you? think it was funny
16) What is
arvesse's biggest flaw? she doesnt know how to spell my cats name!
17) How would
mitsuko_08 conquer the world? with an army of marching bands...
18) Would
lordofthejazz and
wolvenshadow look good together? no
19) Have you flirted with
dragynflies? um no
20) What would
bassplaya give
kater_ade for his/her birthday? a record?
21) Are
mitsuko_08 and
lordofthejazz going out? no, i'm going out with her!
22) Is
arvesse a high school student? nope
23) What word best describes
bassplaya? punk
24) Which of your friends should
es_gibt_nur_tod go out with? uh idk.. none
25) Does
bassplaya have a dog? there are dogs at his parants house, i dont know if there his