Aug 21, 2009 05:38
So this is what we did Wed Night.
And prepare to laugh... maybe...
Aug 13, 2009 12:25
today at work, Joe, who sits next to me and is about 5'10" and 325 lbs looked at me while I was watching something on youtube, with hatred in his eyes and said
"If you weren't so fat, it would be a lot cooler in here, but there you are, sitting there, being fat and raising the temperature of this room a whole 6 degrees... fat ass"
Aug 11, 2009 06:52
It was work, on a saturday, I was bored... Here
Aug 11, 2009 06:44
Ninja Hookers - tempting yet deadly, like the Russian roulette of ancient japan
Aug 03, 2009 08:48
Yay - I finished the Attack Turtle, everyone watch and adore it... Or Else....
Jul 31, 2009 07:06
Oh and I cant forget the credits for the attack turtle... yay credits
Jul 31, 2009 06:57
My first animation, yay
I had a camera at work....and was bored and decided to learn how to do stop animation
Jul 31, 2009 06:32
We haven't added the sound effects and are cleaning it up some, but here... camera fun time
Jul 30, 2009 08:46
All of my moral lessons came from The Cosby Show