Too hot to sleep. I am probably going to end up giving in and buying a new window AC just to avoid going insane from lack of sleep. This is stupid, and they are only a hundred bucks.
This week has been an endless cycle of work sleep work sleep overlaid at every moment with pain.
When I get home tonight, I am going to go to bed, and probably do my best not to leave it until monday morning. I can only hope that's long enough to relieve the worst of the pain.
I appear to be almost completely out of the fever stage, now all I have to deal with is the horrible swelling in my calves. That pretty much means I'll force myself into socks and shoes tomorrow morning, go to work,and promptly take my shoes off until I need to leave.
Health slowly improving, I can stand to be upright for more than an hour at a time now, and am so well rested I can't get myself to sleep anymore, just lie down quietly.
I might actually manage to make it back to work on monday.
Woke up this morning, discovered that it's time for my yearly bout with horrific fever that goes straight to my leg so I can't walk worth a damn, to say nothing about actually say, putting on socks or shoes
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This mod is fucking priceless, because it's Unicorn vs Lion and nobody knows who to trust after the Crab of all people were the bad guys in the last mod and everybody was betraying everybody else. I love it.