[MOD POST] New theme: "Which jounin are you?"

Oct 12, 2010 21:00

I know it's a bit of an early theme since they're supposed to be every month but I think this community needs new themes in order to be alive :'D

01) You must be stamped (regular) already at ninjafy. You are allowed to vote even if you haven't been stamped yet.
02) Applications may be member-locked. Also: You may screen comments/votes to your entry if you want to.
03) If there are more than 7 applications on a day, please wait until the next day to post your application.
04) No bashing and be respectful to others and their votes. Avoid bandwagoning as well and its helpful to provided a reasoning for your vote.
05) The subject line should be "Jounin theme" this time.
06) Please continue voting even after you posted your application. No voting = no stamping.
07) You will not be stamped if you don't link to 5 applications.
08) If there are no applications that needs votes, wait for 3 new applications to be posted and edit you post once you vote on them. You may not vote on an application once it has been stamped.
09) All other rules of ninjafy still apply. If you do not follow them your application would be deleted within a day and/or be banned if you are disrespectful.
10) Re-stamping for previous themes is also opened.



Previously stamped as:
10 or less positive words about yourself:
10 or less negative words about yourself:

Who is your favorite Naruto character? Why?
Least favorite? Why?

Are You...
Mature or Immature?:
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
Thinking or Feeling?:
Impulsive or Cautious?:
Outgoing or Shy?:
Hardworking or Laid-back:

Mark with a "X" any of the following phrases that apply to you when you were young (there are no limits to how many you can pick):
[ ] I would like to be a teacher
[ ] I wouldn't mind being in a team
[ ] The most important thing to me is my family
[ ] I'm more of a loner
[ ] I'm a pretty friendly person in general
[ ] I get close to people easily
[ ] I'm very skilled at fighting
[ ] I get told that I'm quite smart
[ ] I have some anti-social tendencies
[ ] I'm a perfectionist and I hate when people slack off
[ ] I don't let trivial things bother me
[ ] My speciality would be genjutsu
[ ] My speciality would be taijutsu
[ ] I wouldn't really have a speciality
[ ] All in all, I would consider myself a normal person

General Questions...
Which one of the younger characters you wouldn't mind training?
Do you think you'd be a good jounin, or do you find yourself more fitting in another rank?
Do you focus more on work or relationships?
How well do you handle hardships?

Which character would you not want to be stamped as and why?

List of available options located over http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/1072960.html">here!


Please link to 5 applications you've voted on recently:


Stamps by schmaltzyyy, if you liked them please tell her how awesome she is! :D

Oh... I noticed I forgot to put Kankuro on the list D: /that's some epic phail right there. Jac, do you mind making a stamp if anyone gets stamped as him?


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