Title: One Two Three Four Five Members: Arashi Genre: Crack Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own Arashi. Summary: Unique babies. A/N: Based on 'My Girl' PV.
lol...this is the most fun loving fic i ever laid my eyes on! i love all the details u put on each arashi members! ichiro the fish-enthusiast jiro the occasional mother saburo the animal lover n the bundle of joy shiro the brat, money-lover n ds-lover goro the fashion-enthusiast n ring lover
thanks for sharing!! ps:is there goin to be sequels? hehe..
Comments 110
jiro the occasional mother
saburo the animal lover n the bundle of joy
shiro the brat, money-lover n ds-lover
goro the fashion-enthusiast n ring lover
thanks for sharing!!
ps:is there goin to be sequels? hehe..
Hmm.. I don't have plans for a sequel, but.. we'll see!
Thank you so much for reading!
Thanks for writing and sharing this!
You've made my day! ^^
Thank you so much for reading!
My Girl PV is really the best story PV they ever got. (Well, they only have two, anyway~) Hahahaha...
Thank you so much for reading!
Love them all! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for reading!
Thank you so much for reading!
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