Title: Clean Underwear
Fandom: NEWS
Word Count: 1100+
Rating: G
Summary: Shige occasionally meets new people at the laundromat. In which Shige meets a laundry novice. [AU | ShigePi]
Notes: Can be read as friendship or more. I need to stop writing fic during my breaks at work.
It's nearing eight in the evening on a Saturday night when Shige gets to the laundromat a few blocks from his apartment building to do his weekly wash. )
Comments 25
Great job, I can just imagine that scenario.
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it.
pi is really friendly, ne?
Will you be continuing this? You cannot possibly leave me here wondering what Shige and Yamapi will be doing while the laundry is still in the wash right? lol I'm so pushy XD It was a unique scenario. Good job :D
Oh, I don't know... I intended for it to be a oneshot so probably not. And I can leave you wondering; just watch me do it. =P Hm, I could probably add another part to this though. ... Oh god, I really shouldn't. *is thinking about it maybe*
You better not leave me hanging or I'll...I'll....(I'll figure out something to do lol) You should add another part because ShigePi deserves more than just meeting in a laundromat! *pushes you towards computer* Now...errr....write before I completely steal Shige and Pi from the world (and you).
But I leave it to your imagination of all the possibilities after meeting! XD I'll think about it. I have ideas that could take place in this verse and I'm kind of tempted to write them... But right now, I owe fic to someone and she's hounding me every day~ She'll kill me if I post another JE fic without doing her's first (she's such a princess XD). Don't steal them! They are my inspiration! Or I need them for fic at least!
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