I am tired. And really thirsty. You know what sucks? I dont have anything to look forward to anymore when I go to school. It sucks. Blah. I am off to school with no cigerettes, no paper, and no motivation. Wish me luck,
Stephanie wants a new LJ. With anew username. Im defniatly over this one. If you can help me out by giving me another code It would be appreciated like whoa. Thanks <3
Hey it's me ya'll. I just wanted to let ya guys know I'm bisexual now. And I don't shave, nor bathe. If this is a problem to anyone, please let me know now!!!!!!! Speak now or forever hold your peace
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IM me and tell me what cigerettes you want. I bathed and I forgot what you wrote on my hand. So yeah. Steph Loves Emo <- My s/n. yes, there are spaces in between each word.