I decide no going to work sober today. Fuck that shit. If I have to spend my life making sandwiches, then at least I can add a little spice to it. And, by spice I mean marijuana and possibly xanax. The spice of a stressed out life. Like pepper
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I'm hella tired. No sleep last night at all. And, I have to be again at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I love the early shifts. But, as soon as 7PM rolls around, I'm down and out
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I've got a headache like a bitch, and I had horrible sleep and all that. But, I'm about to have to leave for work. Unfortunately, it will probably turn out to be a very anti-productive day with lots of pain in my noggin.
I lied when I said I wasn't a jealous girl. I crawl into nothingness and still I bleed. I lied when I said there wasn't much more to me. The equal of a pisces mystery. A lie of avoidance to not have to find that every thought I have is mine and only mine.